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KoverlyPay Dashboard

Dec 14, 2022

To keep track of your repayments, go to the KoverlyPay tab. At the top, there is a tracker indicating the total amount of credit you have within your account, your current balance, and the total amount plus the date of your next payment. Below the tracker are 3 tabs:

KoverlyPay Dashboard

Payments Dashboard: This bar graph shows you when and the total amount of your upcoming payment to Koverly, highlighted in orange, as well as future scheduled repayments, highlighted in blue.

Payments Dashboard

Transactions: Outlines the distributors and amounts paid. When clicking on a transaction it will expand, showing your weekly payments and dates.


Payment History: This section depicts when payment was collected and the installments that were included on that particular date. If you click on a payment number, the details of the payment will appear on the right-hand side. You can click on the installment numbers to the right which will bring you to that particular transaction in the transaction tab.

Payment History

In the ‘Bill Pay’ in 'payments', you can find the upcoming scheduled repayments. The distributor is labeled as ‘KoverlyPay’. If you scheduled for Koverly to send out payment later, it will be shown in the schedule. Once that date has arrived it will be moved to completed with the distributors' name.

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